Suggestion for your vacation in a delicate period

The most lovely and amiable period in a woman’s life is pregnancy. In this time woman need to feel the harmony with herself and with a new life inside her, and the yacht trip is the best place to encounter with these feelings but under certain conditions:
1. consult with your doctor – the only person who can tell you certainly whether you are allowed aboard without any risks or not.
2. avoid active water sports – pregnancy is not a right time for jet skiing or water skiing, because it can harm your baby.
3. inform the crew about your delicate condition – bouncing on the waves will not be healthy for your baby, so let the captain ride the yacht at the safe speed.
4. correct time of the yacht tour – if you have morning sickness, give preference to the evening tours, so that you can avoid weakness, nausea as well as a high sun while swimming, which is very good for you and your baby.
5. pregnancy snack set – if you during your pregnancy got addictions to some kind of products, which are hard to find in Türkiye or on board in particular, we recommend to take them with you in order to not get upset for a small matter.)
6. observe safety precautions – swim in a life jacket of your size which would not tighten the belly, during the movement of the yacht try not to wander around the deck in order not being hurt, take with you an acupressure bracelet for nauseat to prevent the motion sickness.
Our team is very happy to see on board future mummies, but we are kindly ask you to think about your health and in case of any poor conditions and risks abstain from the yacht trip. For our part we will wait with impatience for meeting with you and a young passenger on board in a short time.
Taking care of you, sincerely yours Brilions Team!